Land of Hope is a drama set in rural Finland in the 1940s and 1950s. It follows the lives of a war veteran, his wife, and their struggles to rebuild their lives after the war. The movie explores themes of love, gender roles, family dynamics, and the impact of war on individuals and society.
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Martin travels to Itbayat island, of the Batan group, on the far north of the Phillipines, to record the customs of its inhabitants and their life away from modern civilization. Itbayat is open to visitors only in the summer; the storms raging in the region completely isolate the islanders for the rest of the year. The camera gives them the chance to tell their stories. “I was interested in understanding the characteristics of the community beyond its practices and traditions”, says the director. Winner of the Best Documentary award at the .MOV, Manila’s alternative festival dedicated to digital film.
The history of Finland through traces of the past.
"Häiden Vietto Karjalan Runomailla" ( Karelian Wedding In The Land Of The Kalevala ) is an early and valuable documentary ( more exactly, a recreation ), an ethnological Finnish silent film about a traditional Karelian wedding. It was the work of an expedition of Finnish ethnologists in the silent year of 1920, headed by Herr A. O. Väisänen of the Kalevala society.
A lot of chopping up wood to set fires to the fields.
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