In this gothic horror drama, a 15-year-old girl named Laura meets and falls in love with a mysterious woman named Carmilla, who turns out to be a vampire. As Laura uncovers the truth about Carmilla's nature, she must confront her own sexual curiosity and navigate the secrets and dangers of their relationship.
Detective James Quinlan has left his alcoholic wife, sprouting a bloom of insecurity, anger and self-motivation within him to expose the corrupt police force that surrounds him. He abandons his straight life to join his partner Detective Church in order to get on the inside of the circle of double-agents. He secretly sides with a reporter and an Internal Affairs lawyer to expose them to the press.
Buddy runs his own trolley. Most of it seems to be a musical number. However, there is a criminal living in the ditches as he breaks loose and hijacks Buddy's trolley.
Minerva, a middle age writer, decides to break the uncertainty that prevents her from creating the novel that for years she has nested in her mind. Unintentionally, she returns to the port where she was born and she encounters a past full of ghosts and chimeras. Paradoxically, she founds herself because of this journey back home, so she begins writing the story of her life, of her own childhood, with its magical past and tragedy.
Andy tries to fix a dilemma between a gold digging blonde and his brother-in-law who's smitten with her. This causes problems for Andy's wife.
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