In Treasure Planet, a troubled teen named Jim Hawkins teams up with the cyborg pirate Long John Silver to search for a legendary treasure on a fictional planet. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with flying ships, shapeshifting creatures, and encounters with strange alien beings. Along the way, Jim learns valuable lessons about loyalty, bravery, and the true meaning of family.
A visit to many of the places and people that give California its reputation as a place of extremes. Among the major segments: Sky surfing in the San Diego area; the movies, including a trip down the Oscar ceremony red carpet, the shooting of a stagecoach ride, and some memories of Walt Disney, including a roller coaster ride in Disneyland; some snowboarding and skiing stunts; a trip to the top, and then deep inside, some giant sequoias; biologists working with otters and bald eagle hatchlings; and a trip to the top of the Golden Gate bridge with the ironworkers who maintain it
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