When a reporter covers an illegal car race known as the Cannonball, she gets caught up in a wild adventure that involves high-speed chases, crazy characters, and unexpected twists. With fast cars, dangerous highways, and a touch of comedy, Speed Zone is a thrilling ride from start to finish.
Peter Parker's father, Richard, is killed while trying to destroy the files of a dangerous project at Oscorp. Years later, Peter, also known as Spider-Man, must save New York from Oscorp's siege and protect his loved ones. Along the way, he faces a new enemy, Max Dillon, who becomes Electro, and reconnects with his childhood friend, Harry Osborn, who becomes the Green Goblin. As Peter navigates his personal life and his alter ego, he must gather the strength to fulfill his responsibilities and protect the city.
Lawrence Talbot, an actor estranged from his family, returns home to find his brother mauled by a werewolf. He discovers his father's involvement and the truth about his mother's death. Lawrence is bitten by the werewolf and transforms into one himself. He escapes from an asylum, falls in love with Gwen, and battles his father in a final showdown. In the end, Lawrence is killed and Gwen has to save herself from the Wolf Man. The howl of a werewolf is heard as Talbot Hall burns.
In rural Afghanistan, people are storytellers who make up and tell each other tales of mystery and imagination to explain the world in which they live. The shepherd children own the mountains and, although no adults are around, they know the rules; they know that boys and girls are not allowed to be together. The boys practice with their slings to fight wolves. The girls smoke secretly and play at getting married, dreaming of finding a husband soon. They gossip about Sediqa; she’s eleven years old and an outsider. The girls think she is cursed. Qodrat, also eleven years old, becomes the subject of gossip when his mother remarries an old man with two wives. Qodrat roams alone in the most isolated parts of the mountains, where he meets Sediqa and they become friends.
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