Class of Nuke 'Em High is a comedy horror sci-fi movie that follows a group of high school students who face bizarre and deadly consequences after a nuclear power plant leak. Chaos ensues as a mutant monster wreaks havoc on the school, leading to absurd violence, absurd humor, and outrageous situations.
Rem Ayanokōji is a "dream hunter," a person capable of entering the dreams of sleeping people and fighting the demons causing nightmares.
Pica-Don is a surreal and heartbreaking animation that follows the story of a young child living in Hiroshima during World War Two. The film depicts the devastating effects of the atomic bomb, including the horrifying imagery of melting bodies and burning deaths. Amidst the chaos and destruction, the child finds solace in the sound of cicadas and the ticking clock. Pica-Don explores themes of innocence, loss, and the traumatic impact of war.
Rem is a cute psychic girl who can enter people's dreams to hunt the demons that cause nightmares.
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