In the small Colorado ski town of Winter Mountain, the annual winter carnival is disrupted by a series of brutal killings. As the town's sheriff investigates, he begins to suspect that a legendary creature known as the Snowbeast is responsible. With the help of a group of ski patrollers, the sheriff must track down and stop the creature before it claims more victims.
Ski Patrol is a comedy movie that follows a group of ski patrol members who find themselves in a predicament when they discover a land grab and sabotage operation at their ski resort. With their ski resort at stake, they must come up with a plan to stop the villains and save their beloved ski resort. This hilarious movie showcases the adventures and mishaps of the ski patrol members as they navigate through various obstacles to protect what they love.
In Ski Troop Attack, a group of American soldiers must navigate treacherous terrain and engage in intense combat as they launch a surprise attack on German forces during World War II. With ski chases, gunfights, and explosions, this action-packed war movie is filled with adrenaline-pumping scenes that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
A ski patrol is sent to fend off attack by advancing enemy forces. Featuring scenes with participation from officers and crew members from the Royal Västernorrlands regiment, cast as extras.
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