In a world where magic exists, a group of warriors with unique abilities join forces to protect the universe from an evil force. They must find and protect a powerful magical artifact, as it holds the key to the fate of the world. Along their journey, they encounter various creatures and face off against a powerful clan leader. With their combined skills and determination, they fight for the greater good and the survival of their world.
Kyohei Nagashima (Masaki Okada) has shut away the world. During his high school days he was the target of bullying and experienced horrifying moments. Now as a young adult Kyohei takes a new job. He works for a company that specializes in cleaning out the homes of recently deceased individuals. With his new job Kyohei meets co-worker Yuki (Nana Eikura). Yuki has also experienced a traumatizing event as a teen and has also shut herself away from the world. These two young people form a bond as they go through the homes of the recently departed people. They gradually open up to each other and in the process to the world. Yet, their fragile psyches may or may not be ready for such changes ...
Félix, a 17-year-old boy, receives an invitation on WhatsApp: do you want to play the Blue Whale Game? The one with the 50 challenges? The one where you have to kill yourself at the end? Félix accepts. That is how he meets Elisa. They start completing the challenges together.
Charles and Bert who have defied the Volstead act are seen clambering about the roof of a building, high above a busy street. After a few hair-raising stunts that will give nervous ones in your audience a jolt. Bert demands money that Charles owes him. They end a fast chase on the roof of a building overlooking a lion's den. Here Bert slips down the roof in among the beasts and Bert lowers a flag to half mast, supposing of course this is the end of his pal. But to his astonishment Charles not only comes out alive but is seen reclining comfortably on one of the biggest lions.
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