Daytime Shooting Star is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a high school girl, Suzume, who moves from the countryside to Tokyo. There, she finds herself falling in love with her handsome teacher, Shishio. As Suzume navigates the complexities of love, friendship, and adolescence, she discovers the importance of following her heart and embracing the uncertainties of life. With captivating performances and beautiful cinematography, Daytime Shooting Star is a must-watch for fans of romantic films.
The Fabulous Baker Boys follows the lives of two brothers, Frank and Jack Baker, who form a struggling jazz duo. As they navigate the challenges of their personal and professional lives, including a love triangle and the pressures of the music industry, they must find a way to keep their dreams alive.
In Walk Don't Run (1966), a romantic comedy set in Tokyo during the Olympics, three strangers find themselves sharing an overcrowded apartment. Romantic entanglements and misunderstandings ensue as they navigate the chaotic and lively atmosphere of the city.
A series of interviews with hideous men reveals their thoughts, desires, and experiences in relationships, politics, and society.
A teacher in a special education school forms a bond with a new student who has Down syndrome, challenging societal norms and prejudices.
Match is a drama about Tobi Powell, a once-famous ballet dancer who is now middle-aged and bitter. He has five days to prepare for a match against a retired player and is helped by a young woman, Lisa, who has taken an interest in him. As they spend time together, Tobi reflects on his past and learns to find joy in life again.
Lucy, a woman with intimacy issues, navigates through personal growth and romantic relationships while facing challenges and discovering her true self.
Two rival high school gang leaders square off in Bangkok over honor, school pride, a girlfriend and rock-n-roll popularity.
A man wants his girlfriend to have a sexual relationship with another girl, just one time.
Hughes, a pizza delivery boy and Star Wars nerd, discovers he has the ability to use The Force. With his newfound powers, he sets out on an adventure to save his favorite movie franchise from a dark and cheesy fate. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and comedic situations.
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