Easy Street is a slapstick comedy that follows a police officer as he takes on a dangerous criminal gang to rescue a kidnapped woman. Along the way, he receives help from a missionary church and a reformed criminal. Filled with non-stop action and hilarious comedy, this movie will keep you entertained from start to finish.
Virile Games is a dark comedy horror film that follows a group of football hooligans who find themselves trapped in a terrifying game where they must fight for their lives. As the group gets picked off one by one, it becomes clear that there is something much more sinister at play. With its blend of slapstick humor and gruesome violence, Virile Games is a unique and entertaining take on the horror genre.
Mickey Mouse tries to perform at the Opry House but faces comedic challenges with various characters and mishaps.
Mr. Brown is riding home from work one day with his new neighbor, Mr. Johnson. When Brown explains that he has all kinds of problems at home, Johnson wants to help him. So, when they arrive, Johnson gives Brown a demonstration of one of the tricks that he uses to get his family to act as he wishes them too. But when Brown tries out Johnson's ideas on his own, things do not go as planned.
The half-blind Sir Blur, who is both knight and mailman, torments a blacksmith with his bumbling.
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