Spice Girls: One Hour of Girl Power! is a documentary that chronicles the rise of the iconic British singing quintet, the Spice Girls. The film explores their journey from aspiring singers to global pop sensations, their impact on pop culture, and their signature brand of 'girl power.' It features interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and performances from their concert tours. A must-watch for fans of the Spice Girls and those interested in the 1990s music scene.
One of only ten made, starring The Cabin Kids a musical quintet made up of five black brothers and sisters. They were ushered in to show business by their aunt and legal guardian and appeared in several motion pictures before vanishing from the public's consciousness, not much is known about them and even less is known about their life after their time in the spotlight. This short, directed by esteemed comedy producer Al Christie, also stars silent comic Toto The Clown in one of his last film appearances and one of his only talkies.
When sponsor Nottingham cancels King Russell's radio program, The Hot Shots try to change his mind. They not only fail but Nottingham's son forces them to take him back to Russell's ranch. Once there he starts playing practical jokes. With everyone disliking him and learning his father is coming, he has a plan to redeem himself.
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