Assassin's Bullet follows the story of a grieving widow, who becomes determined to seek revenge after her husband is killed during a therapy session. With the help of an ex-FBI agent and the aid of hypnosis, she uncovers repressed memories and sets out to track down the people responsible for her husband's death. The plot takes a twist when she discovers a larger conspiracy involving a terror attack and a mysterious assassin.
The Secret Garden is British television adaptation of the novel of the same name. Adapted, produced and directed by Dorothea Brooking, it was first broadcast on BBC 1 in seven, 30 minutes episodes in 1975.
A 9-year-old Chinese girl writes a heartfelt letter to her deceased mother, expressing her love and longing. She navigates the challenges of her daily life, from dealing with her father's disapproval of her boyfriend to finding solace in her faith. Through various adventures and encounters, she learns the importance of family, love, and forgiveness.
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