A headstrong solicitor named Joy plans to give away her newborn baby to her sister. However, her plan takes an unexpected turn when a vulnerable but opinionated teenager named Mully steals their taxi. Together, they embark on a wild journey across Ireland, stealing cars, hitch-hiking, catching ferries, and breaking police barricades.
Parchís: The Documentary follows the rise and fall of Parchís, a popular children's band from Spain in the 1970s and 1980s. It explores the journey of the band members, their struggles, and their impact on pop culture. From their initial success to their eventual breakup, the documentary highlights their journey filled with fame, friendship, and challenges.
A poor child, who does not know his parents, joins a caravan of puppeteers to escape from the house where it is received and try to find his mother. Although living in extreme poverty, the child has, however, something that helps you get ahead: his great voice. One day, when a producer heard her singing in the street, receives an invitation to go to television.
Travellers board a flight, unaware that other passengers might be spies and counterspies, complete with secret documents, poison and elaborate plans to engage in international espionage!
Rose Marie, aged five or six, sings three numbers, "Heigh Ho, Everybody, Heigh Ho", "Who Wouldn't Be Jealous of You", and "Don't Be Like That". She's animated throughout, acting as well as singing.
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