In the French city of Le Havre, a kind man named Marcel Marx works as a shoe-shiner. He lives a modest life and takes care of his sick wife, Arletty. One day, Marcel crosses paths with a young refugee boy from Gabon named Idrissa. The boy is trying to reach London to reunite with his mother. Marcel decides to help Idrissa, even though it puts him at odds with the police. With the help of his friends and neighbors, Marcel forms a plan to hide Idrissa and try to get him to safety. Amidst a series of challenges and encounters, Marcel's act of kindness touches the hearts of those around him, leading to a miraculous cure for his wife and a newfound hope for the community.
Guy is a heartwarming comedy about a homeless man in Paris who embarks on a journey to uncover his family secret. As he navigates the streets of Paris, he encounters various characters and experiences that lead him to confront his past and find the unexpected connection he never knew existed.
The Singer follows the story of a fading French singer as she navigates the changing music industry and finds inspiration and love along the way. Set in France, the film explores themes of romance, nostalgia, and the challenges of being a working single mother. With the backdrop of an extinct volcano and a rich musical score, the singer's journey takes her through dance halls, karaoke bars, and ultimately to a climactic performance.
Paz! is a surreal comedy that takes place in Bologna, Italy in 1977. The film follows a group of university students who find themselves caught up in a series of bizarre and comedic events, including a riot, an orgy, and a murder. As the chaos unfolds, the students navigate issues of politics, sexuality, and identity.
A small film with a big heart, SECOND HAND WEDDING is a bittersweet dramatic comedy set in the present, in a time when trademe and e-bay threaten the primeval urge for a firsthand crack at the second-hand. Jill keeps the dream alive until she is forced to confront the habits of a lifetime and concede that no bargain is worth her daughter's happiness. Father of the bride, Brian, quips that Cheryl's upcoming wedding will be the first time anyone in the Rose family has given something away - and that's the crux of it.
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