Máncora follows the story of Santiago, who embarks on a journey to Máncora, Peru, after the death of his father. While on vacation, he encounters a hitchhiker named Angela and her stepsister Ximena. As the trio explores the beaches of Máncora, they engage in a series of impulsive and adrenaline-filled adventures involving drugs, sex, and surf. Santiago's bond with the two women leads to a love triangle that tests the boundaries of relationships and challenges his own beliefs.
Molly begins a romance with Jack shortly after having her laptop repaired. Soon, Jack turns clingy and Molly breaks it off. Suddenly, her bank accounts are being drained, and she finds half-naked photos of herself posted online.
The Halliday Brand tells the tragic story of a cattle rancher seeking revenge for the murder of his fiance. This b-western explores themes of interracial romance, vigilante justice, and racism, with a mix of Native American and Western influences. Filled with deception, false accusations, and a gripping plot, it is a tale of hatred, love, and redemption.
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