My Family is a British sitcom that follows the comedic mishaps of the Harper family. The show centers around the relationships between the family members, including the husband and wife, father and son, and mother and daughter. Set in London, the sitcom features black humor and silly situations, with a laugh track accompanying the comedic moments. The show portrays the silliness and stupidity that often arises within a family.
Irma Vep follows a cat burglar named Irma as she infiltrates the chaotic world of the French film industry. Along the way, she faces challenges, a nervous breakdown, and explores themes of lesbianism and artistic creation. This dark comedy takes a postmodern approach to storytelling.
A passionate mime practices her daily rituals and performs for people, as well as being reminded of her insecurities.
The touching story of a man who believes cutting off his recently mangled hands and replacing them with a new set he’s constructed from the pieces of his victims will bring his ex-girlfriend back to him.
A series of short films where 32 Mr Beast contestants are hired by two hopeless MI5 Agents to track down and catch international terrorist Harry Bedi.
When mismatched friends Alby, Otis, and Ed accidentally kill action movie star Don Duncan whilst sneaking onto one of his sets, they devise a plan to escape that's so crazy it might just work. Or not. They're not really sure.
Wee Sing in Sillyville follows a group of children as they enter an imaginary land filled with singing animals, a talking tree, and a magical acorn that can grant wishes. With the help of their basset hound, the kids embark on a quest to save Sillyville from an evil sorcerer. Will they succeed in returning harmony and laughter to this whimsical world?
An Outlaw. A Jester. A Psycho. An Artist. A Sage. A Slut. One Suitcase. One Key. Six Concrete Dogs.
In 'The Marshmallow Mystery Tour,' a group of misfits embark on a madcap journey through a strange and twisted theme park centered around sweets. As they navigate through a dystopian world ruled by a sinister corporation, they uncover the dark secrets of the sugar industry and confront issues of slavery, marketing tactics, and social justice. With elements of satire, parody, and dark comedy, this psychedelic adventure is a subversive expose on the underbelly of the sweets industry in a campy and Lynchian fashion.
Malcolm Lyons is back, and this time he’s got a vengeance! Working with hitman Hugh Rafferty, they begin to take hostages, and the clock is ticking for the team to find them and take down Lyons, or he’ll begin to execute them one by one. Will they rescue the hostages in time, or will they just be another addition to Mad Malkie’s death toll?
It's Junior Photographer Salmonella Sinclair's birthday and she only wants one thing- photographic proof of extraterrestrials. What lengths will she go to, along with her mirror-companion, Kitty, to achieve this goal? One ill-fated tour guide is about to find out.
Meet Mark. A daydreamer who has lived with hearing loss for his whole life. As his condition deteriorates, Mark must listen to his past and face the present, in order to move forward with his life. Sometimes loss doesn't mean lost. At a routine checkup with his lifelong audiologist, Mark is presented with a hearing aid and with a choice. Between the torment from his childhood - and his stigma around wearing the hearing aid - he lashes out. But he remembers his young self, loving and loved; along with the care his late mother showed him. Through courage, he is able to connect with her; as she guides him through this tumultuous time in his life. He realises he can either continue to shut himself off from the world, or open up and begin to accept himself for who he really is.
Shiva is a nine-year-old boy who lives with his grandparents in the fictional city of Vedas in India. As a child hero with supernatural powers, he fights villains who attempt to disrupt life in the city. He assists a local policeman named Laddoo Singh, who wants to catch criminals.
A delinquent tomboy takes the job of a murderous carney's assistant.
Written by Raymond Briggs, this beautifully animated film tells the story of ten-year-old John. After being woken up early one morning. John finds a big invisible something sitting on his bed.
The presence of mafia boss Vangelli's yacht in front of the island of Ventotene brings a group of prisoners of the penitentiary close.
A man relies on the help of a strange fellow to get his car running.