Edward Scissorhands is a heartwarming story about a man-made creation named Edward, who has scissors for hands. Taken in by a suburban family, he discovers friendship, love, and acceptance. Despite initial fear and judgment from the townspeople, Edward's unique skills and compassionate nature win them over. However, when he is falsely accused and attacked, Edward is forced to retreat to his dark mansion. In the end, he is immortalized as a symbol of love and bringer of snow to the once-sterile neighborhood.
Unleashed is a hilarious comedy movie about a series of bizarre events that occur when a person discovers the power to transform into any animal they wish. As they navigate through their newfound ability, they learn valuable life lessons and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With elements of astrology and signs and wonders, this movie is filled with laughter, romance, and surprises. Get ready for a wild ride as the main character's life is turned upside down by their extraordinary ability.
Jesus said that the generation of believers alive for His second coming would be subject to the greatest onslaught of deception ever leveled at the body of Christ and that this deception would be predicated upon signs and wonders. For many professing Christians this could be the most important video you ever watch. Perhaps the best expose of many modern so-called “prophets & healers” ever made. The National Prayer Network out of the United Kingdom has done an admirable job exposing such leaders as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, and Rodney Howard Brown, revealing that the tactics and methods they use when performing “signs and wonders” have their origin in the occult. These tapes are a sober warning for those caught up in TBN evangelists and leaders, believing them to be “anointed” men and women of God. Speakers include: Andre Kole, Brian Edwards, Dave Hunt, Mark Haville, Ole Anthony, Dr. Peter May, Philip Foster, Roger Oakland and Dr. Stephan Sizer.
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