John Rabe (2009) tells the gripping true story of a German businessman, John Rabe, who saved over 200,000 Chinese civilians during the brutal Japanese occupation of Nanking in 1937. As a Siemens expatriate and the head of the company's Nanking branch, Rabe used his influence and connections to establish a safety zone, sheltering thousands from the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. His selfless actions and determination to protect innocent lives make him a true hero.
Zero Days is a documentary that explores the world of cyber warfare, focusing on the Stuxnet virus, a top-secret project by the government communications headquarters. It delves into the cyber attacks on Iran and their consequences. The film examines the use of malware and computer worms like Stuxnet to infiltrate nuclear reactors and centrifuges, revealing the escalating cyber warfare between nations. Featuring reenactments and interviews with experts, Zero Days provides a gripping and eye-opening account of the hidden world of cybercrime.
Around 80 years ago, the gynecologist Carl Clauberg conducted medical experimentation on Jewish girls and women in Auschwitz. The results of those sadistic experiments were used in medicine across the globe. It is possible that German companies played a part in those experiments. Most of the survivors became infertile, and very few of them were later capable to give birth. The Untold Story of Block 10 introduces the audience to those who have survived.
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