Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler is a TV show that explores the life of Adolf Hitler and his journey to power as the leader of Nazi Germany. It delves into the political, economic, and social factors that contributed to Hitler's rise and the impact he had on Europe and the world during the 20th century.
Hitler's Circle of Evil is a TV show that delves into the inner workings of Adolf Hitler's inner circle and the events leading up to the rise of Nazism. It offers a detailed exploration of the political landscape and the key figures involved in Hitler's regime.
This documentary TV show delves into the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, examining the tactics, ideologies, and atrocities committed during World War II. Through expert analysis and archival footage, viewers gain insight into the events leading up to the war, the propaganda machine of the Nazis, and the devastating consequences of their actions.
Little-known events that played a large role in determining the outcome of World War II are revealed in this documentary series.
Brotherhood is a hard-hitting drama that follows the story of a neo-Nazi who begins to question his beliefs when he develops a close friendship with his gay brother. The film explores themes of hate, violence, and redemption, as the protagonist grapples with his own identity and the consequences of his actions. Set in Denmark, the movie delves into issues of racism, homophobia, and xenophobia.
Chicago 10 is an animated documentary about the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the trial of the activists known as the Chicago Seven. The film combines archival footage, animation, and reenactments to explore the events and the political and social climate of the time. The movie sheds light on the protests, clashes with the police, and the subsequent trial that captivated the nation.
A lighthouse keeper in Lake Michigan, haunted by the memories of his failed writing career, watches a documentary on fascism and becomes deeply affected by it. As World War Two rages on, he questions his own role in society and his responsibility to fight against injustice.
Das Himmler Projekt is a documentary that delves into the life of Heinrich Himmler, a key figure in Nazi Germany. Through recordings and reenactments, the film explores his ideology, crimes against humanity, and his role in World War Two.
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