A Christmas Carol follows the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a stingy and miserly money-lender who despises the festive season. On Christmas Eve, he is visited by three ghosts who show him his past, present, and future, leading him to ultimately change his ways and find the true meaning of Christmas.
In the midst of the French Revolution of 1848, a governess finds herself caught in a love triangle between a married duchess and a French teacher. As secrets and betrayals unfold, she must navigate through the complexities of love, loyalty, and societal upheaval.
Story of a salesman lured into the "hot car" racket.
The Secret Garden is British television adaptation of the novel of the same name. Adapted, produced and directed by Dorothea Brooking, it was first broadcast on BBC 1 in seven, 30 minutes episodes in 1975.
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