In this comedy-drama, a desperate man named Charlie Chaplin, recently released from prison, finds himself in dire need of money. He comes up with a plan to extort a ransom by robbing a grave and demanding payment. However, things don't go as expected, and Charlie finds himself in a series of comedic misunderstandings and mishaps. Set in the 1970s, the story takes place in Switzerland, near Lake Geneva. Along the way, Charlie encounters Swiss police, an escaped monkey from a circus, and a bed-ridden woman. With a lack of money and impending Christmas, Charlie's desperation grows. Will he be able to pull off his plan or will he end up in even more trouble?
Fatima, a young Muslim woman, struggles with the pressures of medical school, working as a cleaner, and dealing with racism and personal struggles in France.
A bedridden man, forced into retirement, finds himself trapped in a brothel in post-World War II Paris. As he reminisces about his past, including his reputation as a former thief and encounters with a prostitute and a pimp, a heist gone wrong leads to a courtroom trial. The closure of the brothel and the man's own personal journey towards redemption become intertwined.
After fifteen years of absence, a man returns to his family. Five-year-old Aurelie watches the stranger arrive and develops an immediate affinity with him. Her older sister, however, is very suspicious of the intruder and certain that misfortune will follow. The adults see nothing, but struggle with all their might when tragedy strikes. Naturally, the two girls bear the brunt of the impact. The film is an homage to the distant and primitive world of childhood, which shapes each of us.
Ek Cup Chya is a heartwarming Marathi drama that follows a family struggling with electricity problems. Set against the backdrop of a bus company and its employees, the film explores the various relationships within the family and the challenges they face due to the unreliable electricity supply. The story is a poignant social commentary on corruption, bureaucracy, and the fight against systemic issues. With themes of honesty, activism, and family bonds, Ek Cup Chya is a captivating tale of resilience and hope.
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