The Frogmen is a historical drama set during World War II. It follows a group of navy frogmen who must overcome obstacles and prejudice as they conduct underwater demolition operations in the Pacific Ocean. The film explores themes of earning respect, facing discrimination, and the race against time to complete their missions.
A group of environmental activists on an abandoned oil rig are haunted by supernatural forces. As they try to uncover the secrets of the rig, they are terrorized by demonic possessions, occult rituals, and a mysterious killer. With no way to escape, they must fight for their lives against the unknown.
Miracle Fish is a short film that tells the story of a bullied little boy who escapes into a fantasy world when a tragedy occurs at his school. He finds solace in the school nurse's sick bay and imagines a world where he has the power to save others. As the film progresses, it becomes clear that the line between reality and fantasy is blurred, leaving the audience questioning what is real and what is imagined.
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