Thawing Out is a quirky comedy about a 12-year-old boy named Alex who goes camping with his family and experiences his first love, sexual awakening, and coming-of-age journey. Set in a nudist camp, Alex navigates through his shyness and explores teenage sexuality amidst the beautiful wilderness. With mushrooms, guessing games, and humorous moments, Thawing Out is a delightful coming-of-age drama.
When a shy and bullied teenager discovers that he has the power to become invisible, he uses his newfound ability to stand up to bullies and fight against criminals. Along the way, he must learn to navigate his powers and come to terms with his own identity.
Hot Gimmick: Girl Meets Boy is a drama/romance movie that tells the story of a Japanese teenage girl who lives in an apartment and finds herself caught in a complex and intense relationship with a boy. The movie explores themes of love, romance, and the complexities of adolescent relationships.
Two Birds is a controversial and provocative coming-of-age drama that follows a teenage boy's journey of sexual awakening. Set in a small port town, the film explores themes of teen sexuality, drug use, and the complex emotions that come with growing up.
How Sweet It Is! is a comedy set in the swinging sixties. It follows the story of a manipulative female and a hen-pecked husband as they navigate through various comedic situations.
Asking to leave a school bus, Cliff, a young teenager, collapses and dies in the snow near the roadside. His math teacher is asked to notify the parents and then write a short obituary. Although he barely knew him, his teacher is intent on unraveling the mystery of the untimely death.
A young boy, Bjørn, discovers on his 17th birthday that his problems with the girls might not be self-inflicted.
The sexually indecisive school outsider Lucas is always humbled by a small group of classmates. Nevertheless, he secretly admires them and would like to be a part of their group. When they offer Lucas the opportunity to finally integrate into the group, he takes his chance in the believe that this is more for them than just a game...
Andrea is a shy teenager who only trusts Claudio, her father, with whom she maintains a relationship of full confidence. This closeness breaks down when Andrea starts to suspect her father of having an affair.
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