Invincible is a biographical drama based on the true story of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old bartender from South Philadelphia who becomes an NFL player. Set in the 1970s, the movie follows Vince's journey as he overcomes the odds, makes the Philadelphia Eagles team, and becomes a hometown hero. Along the way, he faces challenges such as a failing marriage, financial problems, and self-doubt. The movie showcases Vince's determination, underdog spirit, and his journey from rags to riches.
When a teenage girl's single mother becomes depressed over her lack of romantic prospects, the girl invents a fictional secret admirer to send her mother love letters and emails. However, things get complicated when her mother wants to meet her mysterious suitor in person.
In 'The Creeps' a group of classic monsters are brought back to life by a mad scientist, leading to comedic chaos. The plot revolves around a rare book store where a portal opens, releasing Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein's Monster, and other monsters into the modern world. The mad scientist and his team must find a way to stop the monsters before they cause more havoc. With elements of parody comedy and spoof, 'The Creeps' is a psychotronic film that offers a hilarious twist on the classic monster genre.
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