Yummy is a horror-comedy movie that follows the story of a young couple who goes to a shady Eastern European hospital for plastic surgery. However, things take a turn for the worse when a zombie outbreak occurs due to an experimental surgery gone wrong. The couple finds themselves fighting for their lives as they try to escape the hospital filled with undead creatures. With a combination of gore, humor, and survival horror, Yummy is a thrilling and entertaining film.
In Nazi-occupied Hungary during World War II, a group of prisoners, including a former footballer, are forced to play a football match against their captors in a death camp.
A police chief in a small Texas town finds his life turned upside down when a drifter arrives and a dead body is discovered. As the chief becomes a suspect, he must navigate the town's secrets and his own guilt to find the truth.
In 'Riffraff,' a pregnant prisoner finds love and redemption as she navigates a world of crime and rough romance during a labor strike at a fish cannery.
During World War II, a group of partisans in Russia undertake a commando mission to attack German forces and liberate their country. Along the way, they face danger, betrayal, and sacrifice as they fight for freedom and love.
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