In "Showtime," a fictional reality TV show follows the life of Mitch Preston, a maverick cop, and his cameraman sidekick, Trey Sellars. The show captures their adventures as they chase down a notorious drug dealer. While Mitch is initially hesitant about being followed by cameras, he eventually sees the benefit of the show in capturing the criminal and increasing the police department's image. As the duo gets closer to apprehending the drug dealer, they face numerous challenges and comedic moments. Will they be able to catch the criminal and maintain their newfound fame? Find out in this action-packed buddy cop comedy.
In Box of Moonlight (1996), a middle-aged engineer facing a midlife crisis encounters a free-spirited stranger who takes him on an unexpected journey. As they venture into the woods, engage in vandalism and various misadventures, the engineer's perspective on life begins to change. Through their interactions and the experiences they have together, the film explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and embracing the unexpected.
The Loveless is a drama movie set in the 1950s American South, focusing on a motorcycle gang. The story revolves around the members of the gang, their relationships, and their encounters with various situations including repair work, a murder, and conflicts with other local individuals and groups. The movie explores themes of brotherhood, sexuality, and rebellion during a specific timeframe in history.
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