Fireworks is a crime drama movie set in Tokyo, Japan. It follows a retired detective who is diagnosed with terminal cancer and sets out to avenge the death of his daughter. The story explores themes of grief, cynicism, and loneliness as the detective gets involved in illegal activities and takes on the yakuza. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships and confronts his own mortality.
Gonin is a movie about five assassins who are forced to work together to carry out a hit on a mob boss. As they plan and execute their mission, they face various obstacles and personal dilemmas. The plot is filled with action, drama, and revenge.
In 'The New Protocol,' a man in France becomes involved in a dangerous investigation after his son's death. He suspects foul play related to an experimental vaccine and uncovers a web of deception and paranoia. As he delves deeper into the case, he discovers the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry and the corrupt practices of a powerful corporation. With his life on the line, he must navigate a treacherous world of shady businesswomen, assassinations, and security leaks.
Mabel has two suitors - an oily con man, whom she mocks in a very funny scene where she is shown twiddling a fake moustache and making her feelings very clearly felt. Even in this early comedy her natural fun comes through. The one she really loves is clumsy yokel Ford Sterling, who is determined to buy an oil well that the con man has for sale. The conman gets a local fellow to pour oil over the property. Ford falls for it and buys it - Mabel and he are to be married. Then the fellow confesses that it was just a scam - there was no oil.
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