Chandler is a neo-noir crime movie that takes place in California in 1971. The story follows a private eye named Chandler who becomes involved in a dangerous case after a government witness seeks his help. As he delves deeper into the investigation, Chandler uncovers a web of mob connections and must navigate a crime wave to bring justice. Along the way, he encounters various intriguing characters, including a tap-dancing shoe shine boy and a mysterious woman. The film combines elements of classic film noir with a touch of French cinema and features thrilling action sequences as Chandler fights to solve the case.
The corny daughter of a famed policewoman tries to catch a blowgun killer.
A 12 year-old street kid in a slum of Berlin struggles to stay afloat through a commitment to his compassionate teacher and ambivalent classmates, aged 11-14, who also bear the harsh marks of impoverishment, which manifest themselves in peer ruthlessness and disrespect of adults.
Cocky young street kid worships his father, a sleazy political operative.
Teenager Henry Aldrich becomes a hometown celebrity when he wins a date with a sexy movie star. The sixth entry in the "Henry Aldrich" series of eleven films.
A shy bookkeeper accidentally discovers that the company where he works is targeted in a series of late-night robberies.
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