World of Glory is a dark comedy that takes place in a surreal dystopian world. The story follows an emotionally unavailable real estate agent who witnesses the agonizing death of a truck driver due to toxic fumes. As the agent goes about his ordinary life, he is haunted by the haunting screams of the dying driver. He also grapples with his debt and his ailing mother in the hospital. The film takes a surreal and comedic approach to explore themes of mortality, ordinary life, and the darkness that exists within society.
The South of France. Internationally famous pianist Aurore collapses one night during a performance, over-exhausted from too many concerts. Tired of music, she believes she no longer has anything to offer her public. Then she meets Jean, an electrician who installs residential security systems. Despite their differences, they immediately fall in love and plan a new life together. Jean intends to leave his long-time partner, Dolorès, but she will stop at nothing to keep him.
The Salamander is a dark comedy that follows the story of a young woman who becomes disillusioned with her life in Geneva. As a free-spirited social worker and shoe saleswoman, she navigates existential questions and desires while dealing with social criticism and the challenges of a menage-a-trois relationship. Set against the backdrop of 1970s Geneva, the minimalist movie explores themes of feminism, journalism, and the complexities of love.
Edouard gives pieces of advice on a radio station, but when he tries to use them in real life with his friends, his skills are dubious.
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