In the year 1659, a teenage boy named Jim is captured by pirates and forced to join their crew. He quickly becomes involved in a series of comedic mishaps and adventures, including falling in love, rescuing a kidnapped woman, and engaging in sword fights and sea battles. Along the way, Jim forms friendships with his fellow pirates and learns valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and the importance of self-discovery.
One Way Passage is a romantic drama set in the 1930s on a ship voyage, where two individuals meet and fall in love. Their journey is filled with secrets, love, and unexpected twists.
A schooner anchors at the South Pole, and the skipper goes ashore and leaves the ship's mascot, a St. Bernard dog, to stand watch and guard the ship. A small penguin, Chilly Willy (the only penguin not equipped for cold weather...anywhere), sees the ship and tries to get warm by its stove. The watchdog attempts to get rid of him, but Willy manages to get the dog drunk from the rum in its own cask. The captain returns to find Willy saving the ship from sinking, while the dog is found sleeping it off. Willy is made mascot and the dog is tossed in the ship's brig.
New Moon is a romantic adventure set in Louisiana during the French Revolution. It tells the story of a plantation owner who disguises herself as a male officer to save her fiancé, a French soldier, from being executed. Along the way, they encounter pirates, voodoo rituals, and a secret identity that threatens their love. Will they be able to overcome the challenges and find happiness together?
Professor Pierre Ginsberg, extraordinary French instructor, is sailing with a wealthy couple as their instructor and guide in France. But when his client tries out his French in the dining room and everything is wrong, he fires Ginsberg. Two gangster-type Americans ask Ginsbeg to order them a meal, and advise him to get a girl for the ship's ball that night. Ginsberg, of course, picks the wife of one of them.
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