Barbie Mariposa & the Fairy Princess follows the adventures of Mariposa, a flying creature who becomes an ambassador for her land. She travels to another realm and befriends a fairy princess, but a misunderstanding threatens their friendship. Mariposa must use her integrity and truth to save the realm and bring about a happy ending.
An Oscar-nominated short from 1985 by Ishu Patel, which raises the question – which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?
Meet Captain Bret Hunter (Ryan Caldwell), a former Alliance Navy man gone AWOL, and his ragtag crew and passengers aboard the Overland, a scrappy transport ship on the outskirts of the galaxy--and the law. Along for the ride are: Caroline Stack (Jennifer Wenger), a formidable bounty hunter and co-owner of the ship; ship's pilot Travis "Yoke" Sandspur (Peter Weidman), the Captain's old Navy buddy; Rusty Duvall (Zack Finfrock), awkward and genius ship's mechanic; Maribelle Crawford (Tybee Diskin), a Governor's runaway daughter and master markswoman; and Jon "Chow" Zhou (Ewan Chung), a traveling salesman/conman attempting to make a buck and show his worth on board. After rounding up Annie Whitehall (Alex Marshall-Brown), an unlikely bounty wanted for murder, Stack commissions Captain Hunter to deliver the girl to a border planet, but Commodore Woodruff (Vic Mignogna) has other plans.
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