Chinese Roulette is a suspenseful drama set in a family mansion. The film follows a married couple who invite unexpected guests to their home, leading to a series of revelations and conflicts. As dark secrets are exposed, the family's relationships are deeply tested. With themes of infidelity, deception, and hidden desires, Chinese Roulette explores the complex dynamics within a family.
Martine Bressac is released from a psychiatric clinic after a year's treatment and is driven home by her chauffeur, Mathias. She is welcomed by the demented hunchbacked gardener Malou and the mute servant girl Adèle, and impatiently demands the key to her mysterious private chamber. There, set out like exhibits in a waxwork, are the bodies of beautiful girls frozen in postures of terror on the point of death. With Mathias' help, Martine has just added another girl, a prostitute, to her collection when her husband and accomplice, Charles, arrives home with slides of a further prospective victim: Cécile the virginal daughter of a diplomat...
Fourteen years old Anutsa is often forced to stay alone while her father leaves for business trips.
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