In Sleepy Hollow, a police constable is sent to investigate a series of decapitations. As he delves into the case, he discovers a legendary apparition, The Headless Horseman, is responsible. With the help of a young boy and a woman he falls in love with, they uncover a conspiracy and confront the Horseman, ultimately defeating him and restoring peace to the town.
In The Prophecy: Uprising, a group of angels seeks to prevent the apocalypse by using a powerful ancient book. As they face police brutality and supernatural threats, they must find a way to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled.
A detective and his team investigate a series of murders in London, uncovering a dark secret that involves vampires and ghouls. The mystery deepens as they delve into the city's urban legends and superstitions.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors trapped in an abandoned hospital must fend off a cannibalistic group. As they try to stay alive, they face violence, chase, and various obstacles while battling for survival.
Mansome is a documentary that delves into the world of male grooming and masculinity, exploring topics such as facial and body hair, grooming rituals, and the societal expectations placed on men. The film takes a humorous and insightful look at the various ways in which men navigate the world of self-care and personal style.
Jessicka is held captive and treated like a human dog. But when she's let loose there will be hell to pay.
A cannibal wreaks havoc in Cincinnati.
A Mondo documentary following the customs and rites of passage of various tribes in Africa.
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