Gay Purr-ee is a charming animated musical film set in the late 19th century. It follows Mewsette, a country cat with dreams of living in Paris. She embarks on a journey to the City of Lights, where she encounters adventure, love, and a villainous plot. With beautiful hand-drawn animation and catchy musical numbers, Gay Purr-ee is a delightful family film that will leave you purring with joy.
Being the story of the Morgans, a 19th-century Massachusetts whaling family, their tightly-knit Quaker community, and the dangerous adventures of an unwilling stowaway aboard one of the elder Morgan's harvest vessels.
Wealthy young man Ramon Laredo is abducted and put into service aboard a ship commanded by a none-too-scrupulous smuggler. When the ship encounters the foundering "Lady Letty," some of the Letty's crew is brought aboard, including Letty 'Moran' Sternerson, feisty daughter of the Letty's captain. Moran and Ramon have little use for each other, but when trouble erupts and the smuggler Captain Kitchell turns his evil eye on Moran, it is Ramon who comes to her rescue.
Set in the 1830s, 'Moby Dick' follows Captain Ahab as he seeks revenge on the white whale that took his leg. The story explores themes of obsession, mania, and the destructive power of revenge.
Smedley is tired of being the one-man crew for Captain Blah of the Old Eye Sore.
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