The Mad Doctor is a 1933 animated short film created by Walt Disney and released by United Artists. The film follows the story of a mad doctor who captures and kidnaps Mickey Mouse, intending to switch bodies with him. Mickey and his loyal dog Pluto must escape and stop the mad doctor's evil plans.
When Bimbo falls into a manhole, he discovers a secret society with bizarre initiation rituals involving skeletons, spanking machines, and flaming hands. Will he escape the surreal nightmare?
In the early 20th century, Peter Pan takes Wendy and her siblings to the magical land of Never-Neverland, where they encounter pirates, fairies, and a fearsome Captain Hook.
Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who can fly and never grows up, takes Wendy and her brothers on a magical journey to the fantasy world of Neverland. There, they encounter pirates, fairies, and thrilling adventures.
In this adaptation of the classic story, Peter Pan takes Wendy and her brothers to Neverland, where they encounter pirates, fairies, and thrilling adventures.
FLIP THE FROG, who is basically a walking, talking, white glove, bow- tie & short-pants wearing little black frog. In this outing, Flip is introduced to us as he is reading up on how to become a movie director, which essentially comes down to dressing up like Charlie Chaplin!
Betty Boop (with dog's ears) can't sleep on a scary night, so she sings the title song and meets the gentleman in question...a surreal version of Bimbo.
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