Oh, Ramona! is a coming-of-age comedy that follows the story of a teenage boy named Andrei who is infatuated with his dream girl, Ramona. Throughout the movie, Andrei tries to overcome his shyness and navigate the complexities of relationships, friendships, and sexual frustration.
In the 1960s, a sexually frustrated man named John embarks on a series of outrageous and hilarious adventures in his quest for love. From his awkward encounters with numerous handsome men to his surreal experiences with necrophilia, John's journey explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and outcast. With elements of dark comedy and homoerotic subtext, 'Crazy Love' takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride through the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
There is a small frontier post. A soldier abiding by the rules of the system gradually turns into a murderer.
A sexually confused, emotionally unstable woman, who is afraid that she'll never have "a real man", finds herself becoming increasingly attracted to her frigid sister's virile, hunky husband Frank, and begins to fantasize about what it would be like to "be" with him.
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