Allure follows Laura, a troubled young woman who works as a house cleaner for her father's business. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets Eva, a woman who awakens a deep desire in her. As their relationship becomes increasingly intense, Laura's dark past threatens to destroy everything.
The Goddess of 1967 follows the story of a blind girl who embarks on a journey with a mysterious man driving a Citroen DS. As their relationship develops, secrets are revealed, including the girl's traumatic past and the man's hidden motivations. The film explores themes of abuse, revenge, and the healing power of love and acceptance. Set against the backdrop of Tokyo, Japan and Australia, this experimental film takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster.
After Class follows a 38-year-old Jewish teacher who forms a bond with a little girl in his class. He navigates his relationships with his family, including his dying grandmother and estranged brother. Through heartwarming and humorous moments, the movie explores themes of love, loss, and the complexities of family dynamics.
Sequel to "La Orca" which follows the life of the kidnapped girl after she returns home to her boyfriend and family. After her kidnap ordeal Alice tries to return to her normal life, but her memories still haunt her and her way to see the world has been changed forever.
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