In a small village during the Joseon Dynasty, a man named Byeong-gu possesses a legendary libido that has made him famous. However, when the village suffers from a severe drought, Byeong-gu embarks on a journey to find a woman who can tame his sexual desires and bring rain to the village. Along the way, he encounters various comedic and erotic situations, including a sex contest, fish people, and even a potential human sacrifice. With his sexual prowess and determination, Byeong-gu must navigate through lust, gossip, and the unrelenting desire of sexually aggressive women to find true love and save his village.
A rape victim realizes that she enjoys sexual assault and continuously offers herself to various men while searching for her original rapist.
A man obsessed with prostitutes discovers that love is a lot more expensive than sex. An entertaining peek into the world of prostitution from the client's point of view.
Natsuko is so good at using that super-strong vagina of hers that she can fuck guys to death. In the end, she’s pitted against a sexual superman and a showdown ensues. There’s also a subplot about a mad scientist type who needs vaginal juices to create a potion designed to turn Japanese girls black.
Bob and Tom are in the woods intending to go fishing but find sex instead.
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