Circus of Books tells the story of a family who ran a renowned gay pornography store in Los Angeles for over 35 years. It explores their journey through the AIDS crisis, the struggles they faced with obscenity charges, and their impact on the LGBTQ+ community.
Do Fish Do It? is a heartfelt coming-of-age drama that explores themes of love, loss, and the first experiences of the young protagonist. Set in a small town, the story follows the journey of a teenager as he navigates his first sexual experience, deals with the death of his grandfather, and learns important life lessons along the way. AIDS, friendship, and the complexities of growing up are at the heart of this emotional tale.
Forget martinis and Austin Powers. This documentary is an unflinching portrait of the realities of "swinging," and it's not exactly a shaggadelic picture; in fact, the swingers we meet in the film are older, often lonely people. Most of them are simply looking to break out of their conventional, well-ordered lives by adopting "the lifestyle." Birds and bees may not do it, but we learn that monkeys do -- as well as 3 million Americans.
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