The Deuce is a TV show that explores the rise of the porn industry in New York City during the 1970s and 1980s. It follows the story of twin brothers, Vincent and Frankie Martino, as they become involved in the world of pornography and the various characters that inhabit it. The show delves into the seedy underbelly of the industry, including the pimps, prostitutes, mobsters, and police officers who all play a part. It also touches on social and political issues of the time, such as women's rights activism and the impact of pornography on society.
Ask Me Anything is a movie about a teenage girl who chronicles her sexual experiences and dark secrets in her blog. The story revolves around her relationships with an older man, her exploration of her own sexuality, and the consequences of her actions. It delves into themes of teenage sexuality, relationships with older individuals, and the emotional journey of a young girl trying to find herself.
Fugitive at 17 follows a young girl named Holly Hamilton who is accused of murdering her best friend. She goes on the run to prove her innocence and find the true killer, all while evading the authorities and uncovering dark secrets.
The story of Jimmy Savile's life from his working-class roots, to his rise to TV stardom as a BBC presenter, and his later years when he managed to keep his reign of sexual abuse concealed until after his death in 2011.
Examines the stories behind the unsolved murders of four women across four decades in Northern Ireland.
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