Blood & Oil is a drama TV show that takes place in an industrial town in North Dakota. The story revolves around the lives of its residents, particularly a young couple who get caught up in a web of love triangles, revenge, and business competition. As they navigate through the treacherous world of the oil industry, they uncover dark secrets, face police investigations, and experience the consequences of their own ambitions.
William falls in love with his soon-to-be daughter in law, Anna who's trying to keep both relationships but the truth always comes to light and someone is going to be hurt.
Savage Grace is a drama film based on a true story. It follows the scandalous relationship between Barbara Daly Baekeland and her son Antony. Their relationship is filled with murder, incest, infidelity, and socialite scandals. Set in the 1940s to the 1970s, the film explores the dark and twisted dynamics within the Baekeland family.
When a childless couple lets a pregnant woman inside their home, temptation starts to shake their once peaceful life.
Michel (David D' Ingeo) knows Luna (Deborah Cali), an aspiring dancer, and it is love at first sight. But the boy is also attracted by her mother (Valentine Demy), which gives more time to the advances of the young. Luna, once discovered everything, despairs and runs away. Then, in revenge, he grants the father of Michel, her choreographer. Eventually, though, Michel manages to win her back.
When a man comes home to his small town, he must confront his past and reconcile with his family, all while navigating the challenges of love, identity, and acceptance.
Lena is a 17-year-old girl living in Rotterdam, Netherlands. She tries to escape her dysfunctional family and finds herself caught up in a world of casual sex, drugs, and despair. As she navigates through adolescence, Lena must learn to trust and find her own identity.
The Raptures is a drama that delves into the controversial world of taboo relationships. It follows the story of a young woman who becomes involved with an older man, leading to intense and forbidden sexual encounters. As the relationship escalates, they find themselves caught in a web of desire, deceit, and emotional turmoil. With stunning performances and a powerful narrative, The Raptures challenges societal norms and raises thought-provoking questions about love, lust, and morality.
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