The Waterdance is a heartfelt drama/romance movie that tells the story of a young man who becomes paralyzed after a tragic accident. The film follows his experiences in a rehabilitation center and explores his struggles, triumphs, and relationships during his recovery. It is based on a true story.
Because of ruined dress a young man, who works at a laundry, is drawn to a haughty call girl who lives with her disabled brother. In-between her assignments she picks up local school girls to satisfy his “special needs”.
Twisted Obsession tells the story of a filmmaker who becomes obsessed with a physically disabled woman, leading to a complex web of relationships and intense emotions.
A true crime documentary inspired by one of the most polarising criminal trials of recent history. It explores themes including disability, race, sex and perception of consent by looking back on the controversial case of philosophy professor Anna Stubblefield.
An adult male, 155 centimeters tall, of dark complexion; presents frontal baldness, regular eyebrows, brown eyes, wide nose, big mouth with thick lips, slight upper lip hair and big ears with free hanging lobes. He shows paralysis in the lower limbs, an open sore in the left gluteus and an old wound from a firearm projectile in the back; he moves in a wheelchair.
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