Set in Nazi Germany, Salon Kitty tells the story of a brothel that is used by the Gestapo to spy on high-ranking officials. The women in the brothel are forced to engage in sexual acts, and the story explores themes of lust, narcissism, and sexual desire. The movie also delves into the dark world of Nazi exploitation and the Holocaust.
Yan and Emily have been married for two years. Since Emily is cultivated in a catholic way and considers sex to be a sin, their sex life is always miserable. To save their marriage, Yan hires a nobleman, K, to give Emily a lesson in sex. Yan cooks up a scheme to kidnap his wife and lock her up in a castle for three months for the tutorial. After the training, her attitude towards sex has been changed, but Yan is still unable to please his wife...
An angry husband hires a rope expert to torture his wife and her lover.
A naive country girl new to the big city gets involved in the underground sex scene.
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