Set in the vibrant city of Shanghai, this film noir follows a series of deceit and treachery as a group of characters navigate a world of secrets, rivalries, and hidden agendas. When a daughter seeks revenge for past wrongs, she uncovers dark truths and uncovers a web of deception that ultimately leads to an unforgettable climax.
Martine is a tough female cop trying to solve the kidnapping of young Caroline by a gang of pornographers. She already has an accomplice inside the gang feeding her information, but progress is hindered by her own police commissioner. In her private live, Martine likes to hang around with her male colleagues, swapping a younger cop for the more mature and experienced Jean.
Amanda, a fashion model, and a single mother is kidnapped by two brothers with plans to sell her on the dark web. Held hostage in a remote cabin, Amanda must do whatever it takes to escape her captors and get back to her daughter.
Chelsea Mundae runs an exotic New York club. Her star body-painted, exotic dancers include Kitty, Rattlesnake and Pleasure the Peacock.
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