Playing with Love is a provocative and controversial drama set during a summer vacation. It follows the journey of a teenage girl who finds herself entangled in a complex love triangle, navigating themes of sexuality, cruelty, and submission. The film delves into the dark side of adolescence, addressing taboos and exploring the boundaries of desire and manipulation. With its explicit scenes and thought-provoking storyline, Playing with Love is a challenging and daring exploration of the teenage experience.
After a traumatic assault, a woman seeks revenge on her attackers, taking matters into her own hands. As she delves deeper into darkness, her plans become increasingly brutal and violent.
After being betrayed and left for dead, a seamstress survives and embarks on a bloody rampage to seek revenge on those who wronged her. As she meticulously sews her victims back together, the town is plunged into a web of fear and horror.
Bromance (2016) is a comedic drama with a touch of romance. The story follows a group of friends who go on a camping trip, where they navigate through hilarious and heartfelt moments. Among them, there is a gay character who discovers his true feelings for his best friend, leading to a love triangle and sexual tension. The movie explores themes of friendship, bisexuality, and the complexities of relationships.
A young couple go on the run after the murder of his mother.
Girls in the woods are terrorized by an Abominable Snowman-type beast.
In an abandoned house by the river, a man meets a woman. All night long, they try to love each other.
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