The Camomile Lawn follows the lives of a group of individuals in England, spanning multiple timelines from the 1930s to the 1980s. The story revolves around the experiences and relationships of the characters, exploring themes of love, war, family, and self-reflection. It delves into the impact of World War II on their lives and how it shapes their personal journeys.
The young heroine is bored as she spends the summer with her parents at their summerhouse. Then her cousin comes to visit...
When Do We Eat? is a comedy that follows a dysfunctional Jewish family as they come together for their Passover celebration. The festivities take an unexpected turn when a series of events, including drug use and hallucinations, cause tensions and secrets to be revealed. As the night progresses, the family must confront their issues and strive for reconciliation.
The Automatic Hate is a movie that explores the complicated and taboo theme of incest between first cousins. When an aspiring chef discovers that he has a secret family with a country cousin, he is forced to confront his own desires and the consequences of his actions. With themes of love, betrayal, and family relationships, The Automatic Hate takes viewers on a unique and thought-provoking journey.
A young woman shows up on her cousin's doorstep after a ten year absence. As dark events from the past resurface, someone in the woods follows their every move.
Anthony M. Wilson is an English gentleman. He has a string of restaurants in London plus a beautiful house decorated with all the trendy art he can get.
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