Trespass Against Us (2016) follows the story of a family of outlaws living in a caravan in England. The domineering father leads the family in a life of crime, including burglaries and police chases. The son, torn between loyalty to his family and a desire for a better life, finds himself caught in a dangerous situation that threatens to tear the family apart.
They Live by Night is a film-noir crime drama about a young couple, Bowie and Keechie, who are on the run after escaping from prison. As they try to build a life together, their love is tested by their desperate circumstances and the constant threats from the police. Will they be able to defy the odds and stay together?
Essex Boys is a neo-noir crime-thriller movie set in the dark and dangerous underworld of Essex in the 1990s. It follows the story of a driver who gets caught up in a web of murder, drugs, and deceit after being recruited by a crime boss. As he navigates through a world of gangsters, drugs, and violence, he soon realizes that nothing is as it seems and betrayal lurks around every corner.
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