Rumble Fish is a crime drama movie that follows Rusty James, a troubled teenager involved in a street gang. As he navigates through life in a tough neighborhood, he grapples with the complexities of family, brotherhood, and his own identity. The movie explores themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning in a violent and chaotic world.
Criminal Lovers follows the story of a young couple who embark on a series of criminal acts, including rape and murder, as they seek revenge against those who have wronged them. The film explores themes of sexuality, violence, and power dynamics, presenting a chilling and disturbing narrative.
A young boy tries to train Thunderhead, a beautiful white colt and the son of his beloved Flicka, to be a champion race horse.
The Fruit Machine is a drama film set in Brighton, England, that follows the story of an environment activist teenage boy who becomes friends with a gay teenager. They navigate their way through a gangland murder, recurring dreams, and a woman who has sex with a teenage boy. The film explores themes of homophobia, friendship, and identity.
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Together in the hell holes of war worlds apart in a small town
In the vast Arizona desert, a young boy from the Hopi tribe named Tom finds himself ostracized by his community. After a series of trials and challenges, Tom discovers a legendary power within himself - the ability to transform into a majestic eagle. With this newfound power, he embarks on a perilous journey to save his tribe from a sinister threat. Along the way, Tom learns the true meaning of bravery, friendship, and the deep bond between humans and animals.
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