The Chosen is a drama TV show based on biblical stories, particularly focusing on the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. It explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of faith. Set in 1st-century Palestine during the Roman Empire, the show delves into the historical and cultural context of the time. Through its compelling narrative, The Chosen offers a fresh perspective on well-known biblical events and characters.
Jesus of Nazareth is a TV mini-series that portrays the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, including his birth, his ministry, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. It delves into the political and religious climate of Roman-occupied Judea, depicting the challenges and conflicts faced by Jesus and his followers.
A man named Brian is born on the same day as Jesus Christ and spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. He joins a rebel group fighting against Roman occupation in Judea. After a series of misadventures, Brian unwittingly inspires a religious movement and becomes a reluctant messiah. Eventually, he is caught by the Romans and scheduled to be crucified, but due to a case of mistaken identity, he is not released. He remains hanging on the cross, abandoned by those who could have helped him.
After Jesus delivers His pivotal Sermon on the Mount, word continues to spread about His ministry, gaining more attention from His followers and provoking the watchful eye of Roman authorities, who aren’t quite united in their approach. Jesus’ disciples and closest friends open their arms to His newest follower, Judas, while learning to live and work with and do two-by-two ministry with one another. Thomas and Ramah’s relationship continues to grow while Simon and Eden discuss how their future family life can coincide with his ministry commitments.
The Gospel of John (2003) tells the story of Jesus Christ, his teachings, miracles, and ultimate crucifixion, as documented in the Gospel of John. The movie explores the key events in Jesus' life, including his interactions with notable figures such as John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Pontius Pilate. It portrays the message of love, faith, and redemption found in the Gospel.
An original illustrated 110 minute recording by The Pythons of their early screenplay in progress.
Set in 17th century Spain, 'I, the Worst of All' tells the story of a feminist poetess who becomes entangled in a web of intrigue, retribution, and persecution. As a nun and abbess, she faces the challenges of a male-dominated society while also exploring her own sexuality and desires. Through her poetry and the power of her words, she finds solace and rebellion against the oppressive forces around her.
Five individuals relate their life stories and struggles as they journey to participate in the filming of The Chosen's "Sermon on the Mount" scene.
Jesus is asked to judge an inheritance dispute, but instead He uses this conflict to affirm the eternal ideals of His Beatitudes taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus teaches the wronged brother to forgive and love his brother. All who follow Jesus must learn that what we own has little to do with who we are. Important ideals of stewardship and preparedness are emphasized through the parable of the House Built on Rock.
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