Fly Me Away is a heartwarming comedy-drama film that tells the story of a wealthy family and their 12-year-old son who suffers from a serious illness. When the boy's health takes a turn for the worse, the family embarks on an unexpected journey filled with love, laughter, and life lessons. Along the way, they encounter challenges, discover the true meaning of family, and learn to appreciate every moment they have together.
That Certain Woman follows the journey of a woman who faces various challenges in her life, including the complexities of love, the pain of loss, and the burden of secrets. Through her struggles, she discovers strength and resilience that helps her overcome the obstacles that come her way.
An armed robbery with murder was committed in the downtown of Zagreb. That event will have significant consequences on the unusual relationship between a distinguished politician and a young bon vivant, who is connected to a robbed company.
"Problem drama" examining the pros and cons of euthanasia.
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