After the death of his parents, a young boy named Mike discovers a supernatural threat in his town. With the help of his brother Jody and their friend Reggie, they uncover a sinister plot involving a Tall Man who is stealing corpses and turning them into dwarf zombies. As they dig deeper, they encounter deadly orbs and a dimensional portal, leading them to a terrifying confrontation with the Tall Man.
After his family is killed by interdimensional beings known as the Tall Man, Mike seeks revenge with the help of Reggie and a female psychic. Together, they battle the supernatural forces and uncover the truth behind the Tall Man's sinister plans.
Phantasm IV: Oblivion is a supernatural fantasy horror film where an unlikely hero embarks on a journey to the past to uncover the backstory of the tall man, encountering killer spheres, interdimensional beings, and a dimensional portal along the way.
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